Toshiba Heatpumps

Via Radcliffe Electrical, 03 456 1400,

Tony Mounce Mortgages

Tony Mounce Mortgages and Insurance (TMMI) places more mortgages throughout the South Island than any other organisation.
That’s proof of our experience, broad knowledge of mortgage types and lender requirements, and our own sound processes.

Illion Tenancy

Formally, Tenancy Information New Zealand. Online service. Visit website for information.


Various locations around Christchurch.


Rental property insurance. Visit website for information, or phone 0800 560 444.

Harvey Norman Commercial

66 Clarence Street, Tower Junction, Christchurch 8011. Phone Nathan Lee on 021 243 1008.

Corcoran French

Various locations around Canterbury. Phone 03 379 4660 or visit website for further information.

Carpet Court

Various locations around Christchurch. Visits website or instore for further details.


Various locations in Canterbury. Visit website or instore for details.